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ecler – eHSA4-60

კატეგორია: Product ID: 20891


eHSA4-60 is a 4x60W multichannel amplifier capable of working on both low impedance lines (8 / 4Ω) and high impedance lines (70/100V). It can link the input channels, so that the same input signal can be easily distributed to several or all output channels. Independent auto stand-by function per channel. Ecler eHSA line of amplifiers offers the renowned professional reliability of Ecler amplifiers at an affordable price. All models in the series use class D amplification – a very high-performance technology -, auto stand-by function and convection ventilation, only occupying 1 rack unit high. Equipped with balanced inputs on Euroblock connectors. Outputs also feature Euroblock connectors. It has an electronic limitation system to avoid signal saturation and a thermal protection, as well as a protection system against overload.


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